Known as a particularly important historical work, witnessing the up and down of the Saigon’s history in particular, as well as of the whole country (Vietnam) in general – Independence Palace is a relic containing the golden milestones of the Vietnamese people in the process of fighting to protect the integrity of the country. Therefore, for many patriotic Vietnamese people, the Independence Palace is a symbol, symbolizing peace and cohesion.

Upstream of history, the Independence Palace was designed and built by the French government in 1868 and completed in 1871 for the purpose of housing the governor of Cochinchina ( originally called Norodom Palace). During the period from 1887 to 1945, many generations of French governor generals used this mansion as a place to live and work during the invasion of Indochina. During World War II, this place became the workplace of the Japanese government. In 1954, the Independence Palace was temporarily handed over to the Saigon Government (according to the Geneva Agreement). Until February 27, 1962, the coup faction sent two Saigon army pilots to fly two bombers that destroyed the entire main left wing of the Palace. Because it could not be restored, Ngo Dinh Diem (the president of South Vietnam at that time) razed and built a new mansion right on the old ground according to the design project of architect Ngo Viet Thu (The first Vietnamese to win the Roman Revival Prize). The most important historical milestone to mention is on April 30, 1975, the flag of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam was raised at the top of the Independence Palace. Marking the victory of the struggle to liberate the South (unify the country) from foreign domination, and begin a journey of independence and development of a reunified Vietnam after more than 21 years of division. Due to such important historical significance, this work has been recognized as one of the ten special national monuments of Vietnam, as well as one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Saigon at the present time

Independence Palace in the early days of establishment

Currently, the Independence Palace is used as a tourist attraction as we mentioned above, specifically as a historical relic open to serve domestic and foreign tourists, as well as high-ranking officials of countries to visit. Coming to the Independence Palace, you will be impressed by the different architectural style, which is harmoniously combined between Asian and Western architecture. In which the most special are the bold architectural lines of Vietnam. Besides, each design detail is arranged according to its own philosophies, sending its own messages wishing for a good life for the Vietnamese people. Stepping inside the building is a display space imbued with history with the rooms, equipment, and facilities of the building being kept almost the same as in the previous period. In which, some important functional departments of the old government can be mentioned such as: Reception room for heads of state, Conference room,Banquet room, Credentials Department, The bedroom of the President’s family or even the entertainment complex is built right inside the building. Among them, a work that stimulates the most visitors’ curiosity inside the Independence Palace is the Secret Tunnel crept inside the building. This tunnel is used with the function of ensuring the safety of the President in case of emergency situations. In addition, inside the tunnel is also the secret working place of many departments such as: Operations Staff Room, Communication Room, Cryptography Room, etc. Therefore, when entering this secret cellar, visitors will feel the atmosphere of Saigon more than twenty years ago.

Independence Palace Tour can be designed by Sakima Travel, Please contact us for more details

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