Hang Nga Villa (Crazy House) – One of the 15 most spectacular marvels in the world

When referring to the architecture of Da Lat, most people will probably immediately think of ancient French villas, or architectural works with bold Western imprints. However, in the heart of this “dreamy” city, there is a work that almost breaks all the rules of architecture and goes beyond the framework of art. With bizarre shapes, winding corridors, and unconventional color combinations. Created for Hang Nga Villa (Crazy House) a space that is both sentimental and unique, stimulating the curiosity of visitors every time they arrive in Da Lat.

Briefly about the history of this special villa, Hang Nga Villa (or Crazy House) was started construction in the 90s of the last century by a Vietnamese female architect named Dang Viet Nga. According to the architect, the reason the villa has such a special shape is because she wants to use her architectural thinking to deliver a message to connect humans with nature in the contemporary world, the time when  people have been exploiting and destroying nature for their own purposes. Therefore, the subjects in Crazy House are mainly inspired by caves, cliffs, forests, seas or things of nature in general.

Nowadays, Hang Nga Villa is known as one of the places that attracts the most tourists in Da Lat city, not only because of its unique shape but also because of its stories and messages that the female architect wants to convey through this project. Besides, visitors can choose to spend the night at Hang Nga villa when visiting Da Lat city to experience different levels of emotions, from a little nervousness due to the mystery that the villa brings, to the pleasure of resting in one of the most unique buildings in the world. Come here to try something different that can refresh your life

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