Chu Mom Ray National Park is known as one of the largest national parks in the Central Highlands in particular, and at the same time, it is also evaluated as a national park with high biodiversity in the system of national parks of Vietnam in general. Located in the North Central Highlands, within the scope of 2 districts of Sa Thay and Ngoc Hoi in Kon Tum province. Chu Mom Ray National Park stretches over a large area of about 56,000 hectares with a rich flora and fauna system. Therefore, Chu Mom Ray National Park is also likened to a green lung of the region, as well as a precious gift that mother nature has bestowed on the land that is home to many ethnic minority groups. Besides, this is also the only national park of Vietnam with the border bordering two neighboring countries Laos and Cambodia, connecting with Virachey National Park of Cambodia and the Southeastern Ghong Nature Reserve of Laos, creating an extremely large transnational reserve. That’s why it’s considered an ASEAN heritage on biodiversity conservation.

Located at an altitude of 200m to 1773m above sea level, plus the relatively complex topography, divided by many large and small rivers and streams has created for this area a certain diversity of features in natural conditions. Therefore, the system of flora and fauna preserved in this national park is also extremely rich. In terms of flora, there are 12 different types of forests preserved and developed in the national park, such as: Primary closed evergreen broad-leaved forest, secondary mossy forest, grassland type, etc. In which, there are many rare tree species such as: Kim Giao (Podocarpus Wallichii), Thong Tre (P. annamensis), Trac (Dalbergia Tonkinensis), Cam Lai (Dalbergia Olivieri), Gu Mat (Sindora Siamensis), etc. Besides, many types of ancient trees that have formed hundreds of years old with great size are also found in this primeval forest. Also, about animals. Chu Mom Ray National Park is the common home of many rare and precious animals listed in the Red Book of Vietnam as well as the world such as: Gaur, Pygathrix Nemaeus, Anthracoceros Albirostris, Muntiacus Truongsonensis, Catopuma Temminckii, etc. With the diversity of flora and fauna mentioned above, this is an area of extremely great scientific value.

Besides the scientific values that this national park possesses, Chu Mom Ray is also a tourist destination worth experiencing, especially for those who love challenges and discoveries. With special terrain, this is an ideal Hiking as well as Trekking place for visitors with different difficulty levels. Visitors can choose the basic route to enjoy the melodies of nature in this tropical forest with the path going through the edge of the forest to reach Monkey Waterfall – One of the reserve’s most popular attractions. Here visitors can see the beauty of the spectacular waterfall created by nature.  In addition, if visitors want to increase the challenge level, visitors can choose to explore the trekking route from the national park management area at the foot of the mountain to the top of Chu Mom Ray – The highest mountain peak in the national park with an altitude of 1773 m with the guidance of local people and the supervision of the management board. This journey will include steep slopes that are quite difficult to walk, and challenging forest roads before reaching the top of the mountain. After completing this trekking route, the majestic and magnificent beauty of the mountains and forests of the Central Highlands will appear in front of visitors. This will be one of the unforgettable experiences of visitors when coming to Chu Mom Ray National Park.

The tourism development orientation of Chu Mom Ray National Park as well as Kon Tum province in general is a combination of available local tourism resources from natural landscapes to cultural values. Therefore, coming to Chu Mom Ray National Park, visitors will also have the opportunity to explore many other attractive places in the area such as: Cultural villages of the Central Highlands ethnic communities, The farms of the local people, as well as places associated with historical elements.

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