Black Virgin Mountain is known as a famous place, attracting domestic and foreign tourists by its natural beauty as well as the spiritual values that this place possesses. Located in the center of Tay Ninh province, about 8 km southwest of Tay Ninh city, Ba Den mountain is likened to the heart of this mysterious land. The highest point of the mountain is 986m and is also the highest mountain of the whole Southern region, so many people still favorably call Ba Den Mountain with the name “Roof of the South”

Due to its high terrain, this mountain is covered with clouds all year round and at the same time is favored by nature for a cool and fresh atmosphere. Therefore, the flora system here is extremely rich, giving this mountain a green coat, increasing the inherent majesty of Ba Den Mountain. That is also one of the many reasons that this area has become a familiar trekking destination for many people who love challenges and discoveries throughout the territory of Vietnam. Besides, when reaching the top of Ba Den mountain, Visitors can completely zoom their eyes into the endless distance to capture the beauty of Tay Ninh city from above as well as other famous surrounding landmarks. In addition, if you are not a fan of extreme sports. You can choose to explore the beauty of this mountain by using the cable car. It is known that this is one of the most modern and new cable car systems in Vietnam, even setting a Guinness world record in the category of the largest cable car station in the world. The most special feature of this station is not only in its size but also in its symbolic design. The roof design of the station is shaped like 3 wave columns, representing the 3 most famous mountains of Tay Ninh including Ba Den mountain, Phung mountain and Heo mountain.

Not stopping there, the religious values ​​or stories with legendary colors are also a unique feature that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists to visit this place every year. The spiritual complex at Ba Den mountain includes a system of pagodas, towers, shrines and temples, with a history of hundreds of years and associated with people’s spiritual beliefs. Some typical works can be mentioned such as: Ba Den Pagoda, the oldest temple in Tay Ninh located at an altitude of 350m in the middle of the mountain. Besides, there are other pagoda systems such as Linh Son Hoa Dong Pagoda, Linh Son Long Chau Pagoda, Quan Am Pagoda, Linh Son Phuoc Trung Pagoda, etc. In addition, the most prominent work is the Tay Bo Da Son Buddha statue with a height of 72m, created from 170 tons of red copper and is the tallest Buddha statue in Southeast Asia. Therefore, Ba Den Mountain is not only a scenic spot with lyrical natural scenery, but also a pillar that gathers the spirits of heaven and earth and a place to send the faith of Buddhist followers.

With the above-mentioned outstanding features, it is not unreasonable to say that Ba Den Mountain is an outstanding natural, cultural and religious symbol of Tay Ninh. Making an important contribution to the attraction of this locality on the tourist map of Vietnam.

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