In recent years, community-based cultural tourism has emerged as one of the friendly and sustainable forms of tourism, attracting a large number of tourists to experience and explore. The concept of community-based cultural tourism is understood as a type of tourism with the participation and contribution of indigenous communities to the tourism supply chain. This model develops based on the cultural foundation managed and organized by the community itself, because the indigenous people are the keepers of the soul in the culture of a locality. More specifically, visitors will experience the daily life of the local people, are provided with accommodation as well as facilitated to participate in the daily activities of the people. Through it, visitors have the opportunity to learn about the local traditional values. From there, revenue from community tourism will both help people have more income, develop a sustainable economy and be used to conserve resources and heritage values of the localion

In Vietnam, a lot of community cultural tourism villages have also been formed and developed. Among them, the Hmong Pa Vi community cultural tourism village is considered as one of the sites that operate relatively effectively. At the same time, it is also an ideal destination for many tourists when coming to the northern border land – Ha Giang. The village is located in Pa Vi commune, Meo Vac district, Ha Giang province, the land is known as the valley where the H’mong people hide from the world. Started construction in 2016, the village is now the living space of more than 26 Hmong ethnic households, besides, it is a gathering place for multi-experience, relaxation, and preserving the typical cultural architecture of the H’Mong ethnic community in Vietnam.

Coming to Hmong Pa Vi community cultural tourism village, visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a cultural space completely different from the typical traditional houses of the rocky plateau, the corn or rice stalks are dried on the rafters associated with the daily life of the H’Mong, and brilliant traditional costumes containing the cultural story of the development history of the people here. Besides being sheltered and surrounded by the famous Nho Que river and the spectacular Ma Pi Leng pass, Pa Vi has a poetic but equally majestic beauty. Therefore, this Pa Vi village can be considered as both a community cultural tourism destination and a place where tourists can come to immerse themselves in the beautiful natural scenery.

H’Mong Pa Vi village is a representative of the community-based cultural tourism model in Vietnam in particular and the world in general. Where conservation and development are carried out in parallel. This can also be considered as one of the new development trends of the tourism industry. In addition, for tourists or those who love to learn about culture, H’Mong Pa Vi village will be an ideal stopover not to be missed in the journey to discover unique cultures in the world.

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