When mentioning the Ao Dai, people will immediately think of a cultural symbol imbued with Vietnamese identity. Today, Ao Dai is a favorite costume not only by Vietnamese people, but also by tourists from all over the world because of its versatility, regardless of gender, age, or physique. Therefore, it can be said that Ao Dai is not only a Vietnamese national pride but also the admiration of the world when it is seen once. Going from the past to the present, Ao Dai is one of the few traditional costumes that can still meet the requirements of the new era while maintaining the national identity. Having the perfect and beautiful Ao Dai in the present is the merit of the whole nation. Ao Dai is also a symbol representing the good qualities of Vietnamese, a discreet beauty on the outside showing tenderness and morality inside.

As a country with a long history of formation and development, Vietnam as well as the traditional Ao Dai of the Vietnamese people has so far gone through many development periods, in which each period has its own distinctive features. Although constantly improving and changing over time, the characteristics of Ao Dai also differ between regions based on customs and natural conditions. But the common point of this costume is still honoring the traditional beauty and qualities of Vietnamese people and is a characteristic to identify Vietnamese in the world. Some types of traditional Ao Dai can be mentioned: Ao Dai Giao Linh, Tu Than, Ngu Than, Raglan, Lemur, etc.

The Ao Dai Museum was established as a place not only for conservation but also for the expression of Vietnamese identity in the process of integration and access to other cultures in the world. Coming to the Ao Dai Museum, visitors can see more than 300 sets of Ao Dai in different forms on display and freely learn and discover about the history of formation and development of these traditional costumes. Not only that, you can also freely try on colorful Ao Dai and take beautiful photos with many poetic miniatures in the museum’s premises. In addition, visitors will be able to relax in a peaceful space, watching cultural products of lasting value over time. It can be affirmed that the Ao Dai Museum is a cultural destination that contains great values for the traditional costumes of the Vietnamese people and is a place worth visiting in your journey to discover Vietnam

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